Mars – the planet most like Earth

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Mars has always been the most interesting celestial body for us at earth. Through well known astronomers such as Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Christian Huygens, G. Domenico Cassini, William Herschel. Giovanni Shiaparelli and Euchene Antoniadi, we have gradually extended our knowledge about the planet. But in all respect for the previous astronomers, the space ages with satellites and landers, the past four decades have given us more detailed information about the planet than several hundred years of research have before.

Mars has always been the most interesting celestial body for us at earth. Through well known astronomers such as Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Christian Huygens, G. Domenico Cassini, William Herschel. Giovanni Shiaparelli and Euchene Antoniadi, we have gradually extended our knowledge about the planet. But in all respect for the previous astronomers, the space ages with satellites and landers, the past four decades have given us more detailed information about the planet than several hundred years of research have before.

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