Sixty years ago, meteorologist for the first time could see the Earth’s weather systems from observatories high above the clouds. The world’s first meteorologically satellite, the American TIROS, from a height of more than six hundred kilometres above the Earth could follow the development of the cloud systems and their movements above Earth. TIROS -1, […]
Earth Observation
Very High Tide on the Norwegian Coast
The combination of low air pressure, full moon and strong wind gave in January and February very high tide along the Norwegian coast. Some areas had a tide around one metre over the normal high tide. Luckily the storms been weaker than the warn and the damages been not so comprehensive as feared. But […]
The mysterious Jets, Sprites and Elves
Danish/Norwegian Instruments at the International Space Station May Unveil the Mysteries. Jets, Sprites and Elves are phenomena that occur above the clouds with thunder and lightning conditions on Earth. Unknown and invisible for most of us, but visible from high flying airplanes and from manned spacecrafts. However, what are these phenomena? Many scientists have […]
ICEYE – Small but Effective
Finland Launch Commercial Radar Satellite Services Through miniaturization of the SAR technology for satellites, the Finnish start-up company, ICEYE, has launched the first micro radar satellite in a constellation, which within a short time can deliver high quality pictures with a response time of six hours and a resolution of three metres. The first […]
Living Planet Symposium 2016
Time for rethinking of what focus the next symposium must have?
The New Trend – Expanded Use of Radar Satellites
The users’ need for detailed satellite pictures all hours of the day, has forced the satellite data suppliers to rethink old ways of usage and think of new ways. Optical sensors can only see the Earth’s surface parts of a day, the remaining time the surface is hidden by darkness during the nights or bad […]
Optical Communication – the New Tool for the Earth Observation Community
When the communication equipment EDRS-A on board the Eutelsat 98 communication satellite is finally operative, it will brighten every day for users of earth observation data. Today, the users often wait for data from one of the main ground stations, however, with the new technology data in very near real time from the whole […]
ESA’s Living Planet Symposium 2016
Conferences – Fairground for the Good Ideas
Climate and Environment in Focus – Satellites the Ultimate Tool
Today, satellites play an increasing role when it comes to most functions in our modern society, not least when it comes to environmental issues. Since the first satellite launch, about sixty years ago, the technology has been in constant development, thus, satellite sensors in space now represent the main sources for knowledge about, and monitoring of the world’s environment.
The First Bit of the Copernicus Puzzle
Sentinel 1A Continues the Work ERS and Envisat Satellites Start