
Motivational Campaigns for a Career Within Space Activities

One of the many goals of The European Space Agency is to inspire and recruit the brightest and most knowledgeable youth in Europe and to make them go for a career within space research and space utilisation. They are wanted and specifically sought out to participate in small projects where the students can come up […]

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NAROM – Norwegian centre for space related education

The organisation NAROM – partly supported by the Norwegian Government – was formed in 2000 and organises a lot of space eduction activities to ensure recruiting, promote appreciation for the benefits of space activities, and to stimulate the interest for science in general.

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Introduction to the CaNoRock Program

Most countries in the western world strive to motivate young people to choose natural science and technical studies. A lack of highly educated employers can become a problem if the western countries intend to maintain a leading role in the technical development. The field of space research and space utilisation is not an exception. Norway and Canada intend to be in the forefront, thus they have invested resources in a program to motivate young students to seek a career within the space research field – the CaNoRock program.

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The Norwegian Student Satellite Project NCUBE

Since January 2002, approximately 80 students from the Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU), Narvik University College (HiN) and the Agricultural University of Norway (NLH) have participated in the design and conception of the first Norwegian student satellite.

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– the European space capital – among the foremost in space related education.

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