“Swarm” is a highly international project, but in spite of that, Denmark is the main operator in proposals, developing, building instruments and processing data, and also heads the project team.
Clean Space – A European Top Priority Initiative
The European Space Agency, ESA, builds and launches environmental satellites supposed to monitor the environment on Earth. However, this activity, intended to promote what is best for Mother Earth, leaves behind new kinds of pollution in the form of emission from the launcher in the atmosphere, fragments from the upper stage of the launcher in […]
Andreas Mogensen – the Next Nordic in Space
Selected for Soyuz mission to Space Station in 2015 NordicSpace met Andreas Mogensen for the first time the day he was introduced to the press as one of the new ESA astronauts in 2009. Since then, four years have passed and we wanted to talk with Andreas again about his whereabouts, what he is currently […]
Spotlight on an “Informer” Pål A. Hvistendahl
The European Space Agency needs to inform the society about its activities. Information directly to the society or through media therefore plays an important role for the organisation. Those needs are mostly met by the Media Relations office Department at ESA’s headquarters in Paris. NordicSpace has met the Head of this section, Pål A. Hvistendahl to access information about how this is carried out.
Automatic Transfer Vehicle (ATV)
– From Parts to Space Qualified Means of Transport
Paris Air Show 2011 – More Than Aircrafts
Primarily an event for the aircraft industry, but among the many stands one can also find some interesting presentations for the space area.
The Norwegian “Almanakken” is Here Again
Calculated first time in 1644 and published in the present shape for 194 years, the almanac has been a well known phenomenon in Norway. In December and January every year the pocket sized publication is accessible for sale in book stores, large and small shops and in petrol stations etc.
New Visions and New Goals for the USA
Everybody needs a goal in life, researches and technicians are no exception. Without a challenging long-term goal to work towards some of the enthusiasm in organisations like NASA could disintegrate. President George Busch set out to get some of that enthusiasm back in space research when he launched the “Vision for Space Exploration” in January 2004. So, what new goals lie ahead for the American researchers and technicians?
The Constellation Programme
The Constellation Programme is created in order to fulfil former President’s Bush’s mission. It is designed to put people on the moon again, hopefully to Mars too, much like Kennedy’s vision for the first missions to the moon.
The Second Moon Conquest Begins
No astronaut has been back since Apollo 17 in December 1972, but according to the new “Vision for Space Exploration” , that is about to change in a re-visit to the moon in 2020. This time, the general idea is to begin a more permanent colonisation of our closest neighbour in space. However, before the next humans set foot on the moon again, further investigations are necessary, and the first steps will be taken very shortly.